Sunrise/Sunset: The Most Requested foreUP Feature is Here!


Here comes the sun! DUN na nah nah! 

We’re so excited to announce the launch of our most requested feature, now included with your foreUP software: Tee Sheet Sunrise/Sunset! 


What you need to know to be successful?

Q: What is the Sunrise / Sunset feature?

A: The Sunrise / Sunset feature is a dynamic timing tool that automatically updates your first available tee time according to the day’s sunrise time, and the last available tee time according to the sunset time.  

Q: How do I know if I am eligible for the Sunrise / Sunset feature?

A: If you’re using our software, you have it! There will be no impact on price or other services.

Q: Is this only going to affect my point of sale’s tee sheet, or is it automatically displayed on my online tee sheet as well?

A: The dynamic Sunrise / Sunset feature will integrate with and can be reflected on both your point of sale and your online tee sheet.

Q: Do I have to use the Sunrise / Sunset feature?

A: The Sunrise / Sunset feature is an optional setting; it will not turn on by default.

The sunrise sunset feature in foreUP golf The Sunrise/Sunset feature is managed in your Tee Sheet. When activated, it will replace manual Open/Close times according to your preferences.

Q: Why would I want to use the Sunrise / Sunset feature?

A: The dynamic feature will help you maximize available tee times to your players–with little to no work on your part. More customers = more money!

Q: What if I don’t want to schedule tee times exactly according to sunrise and sunset times?

A: Within the Tee sheet settings, you can set intervals for your tee times to play off of.

For example, you may want your available tee times to show up 60 minutes after sunrise, and 60 minutes before sunset. The system gives you the ability to control these preferences, only showing the first tee time an hour after sunrise, and last availability for tee time reservations an hour prior to sunset.

Q: Will the Sunrise / Sunset option override my current settings for first and last tee times of the day?

A: Yes; by opting in to use the Sunrise/Sunset feature, you are choosing to replace your current open and close times with these automated preferences.

foreUP golf software sunrise sunset tee sheet feature When Sunrise/Sunset is activated, tee times will automatically appear as available (white)  or unavailable (gray.)

Q: How will Sunrise / Sunset work with my online tee times that are available for booking?

A: Your online tee times will be responsive to the sunrise/sunset times you have set. Only tee times which fall into the time frames set will be available to be booked.